Customer Service: (800) 893-9787
Product Description
250 Multi Strand bundled fiber with ferrule. 168 fibers x 0.75mm + 48 fibers x 1.0mm +24 fibers x 1.5mm + 10 x 2.0mm. Fiber optic light engine sold separately. We now offer a highly popular zip-tied bundle option for ease of installation and keeping your fibers organized.
// <![CDATA[ <!– function themathfunction() { var height = document.panelcalc.height.value; var width = document.panelcalc.width.value; var dimUnit = document.panelcalc.dimUnit.value; var areaIn = document.panelcalc.areaIn.value; var areaUnit = document.panelcalc.areaUnit.value; var overage = document.panelcalc.overage.value; var areaOut = 0; if ((height && !width) || (width && !height)) { alert("You need both width and lenght"); return; } else if (!height && !width && !areaIn) { alert("Please enter either an area, or both a width and a height."); return; } else if (isNaN(height) || isNaN(width) || isNaN(areaIn) || (height && height <= 0) || (width && width <=0) || (areaIn && areaIn 0) { if (areaUnit == ‘sqm’) {areaOut = areaIn * 10000;} else if (areaUnit == ‘sqft’) {areaOut = areaIn * 6.45 * 144;} else if (areaUnit == ‘sqyd’) {areaOut = areaIn * 6.45 * 144 * 9;} else {areaOut = areaIn;} } var tiles = areaOut / 21260; if ((overage != null) && (overage > 0)) { tiles += tiles * overage; } tiles = Math.round(tiles) + 1; document.panelcalc.tiles.value = tiles; } //–> // ]]>